Starting Android Development
Android development has become a topic of heightened interest to me recently because of reasons. Because of those reasons, I've been doing a bit of studying on the subject. I've had various Android devices for a few years now and have had a slowly growing interest in developing some apps for the platform lately, probably most notably in creating an… um… app. (Seriously, why did they name a social network
But that's not what the app that this post is about. Instead, I'm going to get my feet wet with a to do list app of questionable utility.
The general idea is to give the app a list of things to do, then whenever you're bored, you'd open the app, press a button, and it would give you a random task to do. Whether or not you actually obey the almighty to do list app is up to you. It won't care. It'll be too busy planning out what task to give you next time.
I'm naming it Randoo for now, as a quick search doesn't turn up anything on Google Play with the same name, at least at this point in time. If some better name comes along, I might change it, though.
As far as apps go, it should be pretty trivial. It needs at minimum:
- a method of entering tasks
- a method of storing those tasks
- a method of retrieving a random task
- a method of removing tasks.
I have some ideas for additional features that may be included in 1.0 or may be added in later versions:
- Set estimates for how long task will take and include an option to get a random task with a time estimate in a certain range
- In case you don't think you'll want to do a particular task for a while, include a "Do not select until" option
- Contexts. For example, if you felt like drawing something, but aren't sure what to draw, this feature would allow to avoid getting tasks like "Learn Spanish." Unless, of course, you actually put that in as something you want to draw.
- Synchronization across multiple devices. This probably won't happen unless I can manage to do it without having to buy a server or something similar.
I think that's about all I've got to say on this for the moment. I have no time estimates for when, or even if, it will be available to the general public, but visiting back here would probably be a good place to watch for more information if you're interested.